Holiday Reading

At this point in my career I have noticed that I question more. I don’t just accept information given and will research further. When strategies don’t work I seek assistance, either online or from one of our amazing local teachers.

I am currently reading Pernille Ripp’s first book Passionate Learners: Giving Our Classrooms Back to Our Students. Pernille has raised some very interesting points and this has led me to question my behaviour strategies. I am currently using the peg system and to be truly honest, it isn’t working. Yes, I said it. Is moving the pegs really dealing with the underlying issues causing certain behaviours? Definitely not.

My goal this term is to work on our class community, build relationships and really get to know my students. I want to understand where they are coming from and what makes them tick. When issues arise I want to first ask myself why. They are an amazing bunch of students and I really look forward to Semester 2.

Thank you Pernille

One Response

  1. Beth July 9, 2014 at 9:52 am |

    You are not alone there. I have strategies that I used to use and they worked well with the early years curriculum. They were acknowledged within my curriculum. Now I feel pressure to have children achieving certain results and so behaviour and social issues are not dealt with in the same capacity as the past. This term I have seen the results of following my heart and am going to build on this further. With greater focus on the relationships in my class.

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